Sunday, 23 November 2014


1.Why has Sony opened a Digital Motion Picture Centre at Pinewood studios? The reason that Sony have opened the Digital Motion Picture Centre at Pinewood is so that they can provide hands on training for cinematographers and other crew members to help them get the most out of the Sony 4K cameras.


2.   What benefit might this have for the British film industry? It will benefit because it means people will have more skill. Also it will play a role in helping Sony collect some ideas from the cinematographers for some future product development.


3.   Where else have they opened facilities like this? Pinewood Studios have also opened some similar facilities at Culver City in L.A.


4.   How many films have been produced using the F65 camera? 30 films have been produced with the of an F65 camera.


5.   What has been the consequence of Blockbusters to US film production? The consequence that Blockbusters have received from US film productions is that they are losing money. This is from lack of interest. The main problem is that investors are looking for a bigger blockbusters at the same time as they yearn for reduced costs


6.   How big a loss to Sony expect to post?


7.   Which films are responsible for this?


8.   How is Lionsgate different to Sony? Lionsgate actually have no physical studio and Sony does so that’s a main difference.


9.   Why is "the new mandate to avoid niche products'? They are to avoid niche products because the niche is getting narrower and strategists have argued for diversification.

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